For information on the Conference and assistance on panels and papers submission, please write to convegno@sisp.it
The proposal for a paper must be sent by May 31 to the panel chairs exclusively through the MySISP reserved area.
To submit your proposal:
1. Log in to MySISP
2. Click on Conference 2023 in the MySISP area
3. Click on PROPOSE A PAPER and complete the form with the following information:
- the Section and Panel in which you want to propose the paper; To view the available panels click here
- the Title of the paper
- your full name, your institution, your e-mail address and of any co-author
- the text of no more than 6000 characters (including spaces) of the abstract that will be published on the SISP website if the proposal is accepted.
The system will send an e-mail to the authors to confirm the receipt of the paper proposal.