The 2023 ECPR General Conference will be held September 4-8, 2023, at Charles University in Prague.
The call for Panel and Paper proposals is open and will close by February 28.
AssoCompol is pleased to invite members to submit proposals for:
- the Political Communication section (https://ecpr.eu/Events/Event/SectionDetails/1323) endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Political Communication
and for the following panels:
Section Digitally Enhanced Civic Culture:
- Campaign Regulation as a Necessity to Fair Competition (Chaired by Petia Georgieva & Antonella Seddone)
While political competition offline is strongly regulated in many countries, only a few have adopted regulations for online campaigning. This Panel intends to show the consequences of (non-)regulation in campaigns for elections, intra-party democracy, and policy formation processes (e.g. direct democracy). - Gamification in Politics: Lights and Shadows (Chaired by Davide Vittori & Cecilia Biancalana)
Gamification can take many forms. Sometimes it is obvious in its shape; sometimes more opaque. Examples include the collection of virtual points to lead volunteer charts in campaigns, learning about political processes through civic education platforms or even VAAs. This Panel encourages Papers addressing the many ways gamification can be used to engage people in politics.
Section Corruption: From Development Problem to Global Security Threat:
- Whistleblowers and their human and non-human intermediaries (Chaired by Alice Fubini & Stephen Dawson)
This Panel reunites research on whistleblowing from all media and backgrounds: political, public and private sector. It examines both human whistleblowers and their technological enablers. The Panel focuses on the comparative cost of whistleblowing across different media (i.e political parties versus private sector); technological advances for whistleblowing and their impact; the political economy of digital whistleblowing platforms, their dynamics of diffusion and sustainability.
Section Political Sociology of Critical Times:
- Social and political sciences facing the climate crisis: citizens, media, parties, and social movements (Chaired by Cecilia Biancalana)
The panel aims to investigate the consequences of the climate crisis on social, political and institutional actors, as well as on citizens, from an interdisciplinary point of view. Both comparative and single-country studies, employing both qualitative and quantitative analysis, are welcomed.
Visit the ECPR General Conference website for more information: https://ecpr.eu/GeneralConference