We are happy to announce the publication of the article entitled The release of #SilviaRomano: a case of mediated polarised intersectionality by Elena Pavan and Antonio Martella. The work is part of the research project I-POLHYS that looks at the intersections between media, communication and political polarization in Italy.
We analyze the case of Silvia Aisha Romano to contribute to ongoing reflections on the ways in which women, their bodies and choices are included and constructed in the current hybrid media system. In this context, mediated representations of women result from the continuous entwinement and overlapping of a variety of voices, and at the intersection of often stereotyped visions of gender, class, race, religion, and age. The joint analysis of Twitter semantic networks and algorithmically identified topics reveals a variety of intersectional mediated (mis)representations of Silvia Aisha Romano whose forms, substance and use varied along partisan lines.
Read the full article on RivisteWeb/Problemi dell’Informazione